The Ruhrverband - an operating water management company
The Ruhrverband is a non-profit oriented water management company based on public law. Without neglecting economic aspects, the association puts the wellbeing of the region’s citizens and the environment at the centre of its attention. This applies to the operation of its reservoirs, ensuring water supply for 4.6 million people, as well as the sewage treatment for 60 cities and communities in the catchment areas of the Ruhr and the Lenne.
The River Ruhr and its tributaries are seen and managed as an entity across political administrative units. This kind of river basin management creates a fair balance between different uses and interests surrounding the rivers and lakes. This concept saves costs and - as postulated by the EU Water Framework Directive - promotes environmental protection as well as general public interests.
The Ruhrverband fulfils the following responsibilities for the Ruhr’s river basin, an area of 4,485 square kilometres:
- Source and supply water for drinking and industrial purposes as well as for hydroelectric power production,
- regulate and balance water runoff,
- secure flood water flow,
- treat sewage,
- dispose of and recycle residues from sewage treatment,
- analyse water management conditions.